Django Hosting

By Web Hosting

Django is a web framework designed to help the web developers to build complex web applications in simple manners with the least complexities and in short time spans. Django is written in the Python programming language and this can do some very complex things with less code and a simpler execution than any developer could expect. Django does not take very heavy hands to build web based applications rich in features. In short, Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

An open source web application framework, written in Python language, Django follows the model-view-controller architectural pattern and was originally developed to manage several news-oriented sites for The World Company of Lawrence, Kansas. Django was first released publicly under a BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) license in July 2005, about five years back. In June 2008 it was announced that a newly formed Django Software Foundation will take care of Django in the future.

Django is pronounced JANG-oh, rhymes with FANG-oh, with the

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